Wednesday, 1 August 2007

More on uprights...

OK, I've started bolting things together virtually. By putting the calliper and brake disc together, I've worked out that in order for the brake disc to line up with the centre of the contact patch we'll need wheels with an offset of 42mm (luckily that's a nice common offset) and then everything will fit comfortably under the 13" rims.

The next task is to take the data from SusProg in terms of the location of the upright mounting. Luckily SusProg is sensibly designed so that the uprights aren't measured relative to the vehicle datum (i.e. measured from a virtual point at the intersection of the vehicle centreline and the front axle centreline) but relative to the mounting face on the upright. This saves a lot of unnecessary trigonometry, although I must make sure to subtract the width of the disc mounting face as this is effectively a spacer between the upright and the wheel.

The thing that is holding me back from finishing this first component is that I haven't had time to measure up a suitable hub yet. I'm still toying with the idea of doing my own, but for now I'll just mock up an estimated hub and go from there. The joy of CAD is that it's inordinately easy to change something right at the top of the model and let all the changes percolate through. I'm a really lazy person at heart if I can be...

The picture above is a very quick mock-up - I put the calliper and disk together with a basic plate so I could measure up how much space there was between the calliper mounting bolts and the back face of the mounting bell. With that number (it's 49.5 mm for anyone interested), I can get everything else together.


Chris said...

I have a hub should you want one to borrow on extended loan. I shan't be at the meeting place that shall not be named this week but could probably get the hub to someone who might be if that is any use. Email me if that's of use.

Dynamicist said...

Tempus fugit... I've decided life is too short to measure other components at the moment, so I've put together my own spiffing design in a spare 15 minutes.